Ensuring city streets are safe and functional is the City of Somerset Street Department’s No. 1 priority.

The City of Somerset Street Department provides public service in the following areas:
Keeping Somerset’s streets safe during inclement weather
Snow and ice removal in Somerset is a combined effort by the various departments within the city. The street department is responsible for the coordination of the departments as we ensure that our 200-plus lane miles of streets are treated.
Our goal is to remove snow and ice from our roadways as rapidly and efficiently as possible to allow traffic to move safely throughout the city.

We’re here to help
We appreciate all reports from our residents about issues that need the streets department’s attention. These issues could include potholes in city streets, street lamps that are out, signs that are damaged, or grass and weed control needed in public areas.
Please send an email with details on the location and problem you’re experiencing. Someone will be in touch with you soon!
Annual leaf collection
Leaf collection begins each year in October. The City of Somerset picks up leaves for our residents as they report them to our street department (606.679.1106). For safety, we ask our residents to follow a few simple rules as they gather the leaves on their property:
Have a question or concern?
Reach out directly to our staff.

Contact: David Hargis Street Department Superintendent
Email: dhargis@cityofsomerset.com
Phone: (606) 679-1106 (office)
(606) 679-0153 (fax)
Contact: Jeanette Phelps Secretary
Email: jphelps@cityofsomerset.com
Phone: 606.679.1106 (office)
606.679.0153 (fax)