Residential and business trash and recycling pickup
The monthly fee for residential trash and recycling pickup is $18.56. The City of Somerset provides weekly trash pickup. Trash and recycling are emptied on the same day. You can view the recycling pickup calendar here. All trash must be contained in disposable plastic bags that are leak-proof and securely tied before being placed in a container. The City of Somerset provides a separate brown container with a yellow lid for recycling. Materials placed inside your recycling container should be loose and unbagged. No plastic bags, please.
The monthly fee for small businesses (non-dumpster) depends on the number of cans serviced. Weekly pickup for one can per week is $25, two cans per week is $35, and three cans per week is $45.
The City of Somerset provides weekly pickup. If your business does not produce a large amount of refuse per week you may qualify for a small business waiver. Please call the City of Somerset Sanitation Department at 606-679-1107 ore-mail with any questions or comments.
Do not take your trash can with you if you move. Please contact 606-679-1107 to have a container removed from the current location.
When are my trash and recycling collected?
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Bluegrass Dr. | Beck | Bash Ave. | Ashurst St. | Adams St. |
Bonnie Lane | Belmont Plaza | Benelli Ave. | Austin St. | Alexander Dr. |
Broadway | Bluebird Dr. | Browning Rd. | Barnett St. | Beecher St. |
Chandler (Cotter to White) | Bogle St. | Cardinal Dr. | Bourne Ave. | Burdine |
Cherry Lane | Bogle Office Park | Clements Ave. | Burke Drive | Country Oaks |
College St. (Energy Center to 4-way) | Canary Dr. | Clifty Rd. | Calumet Dr. | Crane St. |
Columbia St. | Cherry Lane | Cooper St. | Chandler St. | Cumberland Ave. |
Correll St. | Chestnut St. | Cox St. | Chaudoin St. | Denham St. |
Crab Orchard St. | Chickadee Dr. | Crawford Ave. | Colony Dr. | E. Bourbon Rd. |
Cromer St. | Church St. | E. Bourne Ave. | Cory Lane | E. Market St. |
Edward St. | Clifty St. | E. Clements Ave. | Cotter Ave. | Eckstein St. |
Fernly Dr. | College St. (39 side) | E. Columbia St. | Cotter Ct. | Elrod St. |
Floyd St. | Coomer St. | E. Mt. Vernon (to Crawford) | Cundiff Dr. | Farmer St. |
Foster Lane | Crab Orchard Rd. | Edgewood Dr. | Duncan St. | First St. |
Freedom Way | E. Somerset Church Rd. | Een St. | E. Elm St. | Freeman Alley |
Garnet Court | Elliott Dr. | Evergreen Dr. | E. Mt. Vernon (Jarvis to Poynter) | Ford Dr. |
Gilmore | Hail Knob | Fern St. | Early Ave. | Grove St. |
Grand Central | Harvey Ave. | Gentry Lane | Easton St. | Hall St. |
Grand View Sub. | Harvey St. | Glendale | Eller | Harvey St. |
Hail Knob | Hill St. | Grande Ave. | Fredrick St. | Highland St. |
Ham St. | Hillcrest | Hillandale Sub. | Gilmore | Hope Way |
Hawkins Ave. | Huffaker Ave. | Hines Addition | Gooch St. | Jacksboro St. |
Honeysuckle Lane | Hummingbird Dr. | Holmes Ave. | Griffin Ave. | Kit Cowan Rd. |
Jasper St. | Janlyn St. | Jarvis | Hail St. | Knosp St. |
Kimberly Dr. | Meece | Jonathan Lane | Hamilton Ave. | Langdon (Memorial side) |
Lair Alley | Mill St. | Maplewood Sub. | Hall St. | Lookout St. |
Lair St. | Miller St. | Market St. | High St. | Mardis |
Langdon St. (hospital side) | Murrell Ave. | McKee Cr. | Hillview Ave. | Monticello St. |
Limestone St. | Nichols Ave. | Meadowlark Dr. | James St. | Murphy St. |
Losey St. | Noble | Mockingbird Dr. | Johnson Alley | Mt. View Sub. |
Marion St. | N. Main St. | N. Central Ave. | Kate Dr. | Ogden St. |
May St. | N. Richardson Dr. | N. Hwy. 1247 | Keeney St. | Pulaski St. |
McKinley St. | N. Vine St. | Palm Cr. | Kennedy St. | Sallee St. |
Midtown | Ogden Ct. | Park Ave. (North) | Kentucky Ave. | S. Main St. |
Mount St. | Ogden St. | Richards Cr. | King St. | S. Vine St. |
Neighborhood | Ohio St. | Robinson Dr. | Liberty St. | Stigall Dr. |
N. Hwy. 27 | Park Ave. | Rosewood Ave. | Market St. | Sunset Blvd. |
N. Main St. (town side) | Parkview Ct. | Sagasser St. (west of Jarvis) | McCabe St. | Teresa Ave. |
N. Maple St. | Ramsey | Saddlebrook | N. Main St. | Union St. |
Oakdale Ct. | Robin Dr. | S. Vine St. | Offutt Ave. | Wallace Ct. |
Oakdale Dr. | Sallee St. | Zachary Way | Orwin St. | W. Elm St. |
Oak Hill Rd. | Sam Walton Dr. | Pettus St. | ||
Parkland Dr. | Skylark Cr. | Ping St. | ||
Pearl Dr. | Somerhill Dr. | Race St. | ||
Plum St. | S. Main St. | Randolph St. | ||
Sam Jones Rd. | S. Maple St. | Ross | ||
Sycamore St. | S. Richardson Dr. | Rowbottom Alley | ||
Timothy Dr. | Speedway Ave. | Sagasser St. (east of Jarvis) | ||
Todd St. | Stringer St. | Sallee St. | ||
Topaz Ct. | Tandy Ave. | Sawyer St. | ||
Tucker’s Lane | Tarter Ave. | S. Central Ave. | ||
Turner St. | Tradepark Dr. | S. Main St. | ||
Vicki Lane | University Dr. | S. Maple St. | ||
Walnut St. | West St. | S. Norfleet Dr. | ||
Warren Ave. | W. Columbia St. | S. Vine St. | ||
W. Columbia St. | W. Elrod St. | Summitt Ave. | ||
W. Hwy. 80 | W. Limestone St. | Tennessee Ave. | ||
White St. | W. Market St. | Unity Hill | ||
Wilson St. | W. Oak St. | Vaught St. | ||
Woodland Dr. | Williams St. | Vermillion Ave. | ||
Wahle Ave. | ||||
Walker Lane | ||||
Walnut St. | ||||
W. Columbia St. | ||||
Woods Ave. | ||||
Young St. |
When should I set my containers out?
Your containers should be placed on the curb no earlier than 4 p.m. prior to your collection day and no later than 7:30 a.m. on the day of your collection. Containers must be removed from the curb by 7 p.m. on the day of your collection. Please be aware that anything within a 3-foot radius of the container shall be deemed garbage to be collected. All trash must be contained in disposable plastic bags that are securely tied before placing inside of container. Trash cans and recycling containers should be placed in the rear of a home or building with the exception of collection day.
What items should I place in my recycling container?
CARDBOARD: Please flatten. Extra cardboard may be placed beside the container. Please do not put other items inside boxes.
CANS: Aluminum and steel (tin) cans. Please rinse.
PLASTICS: Plastic bottles, soft drink, milk jugs, detergent jugs, or any items with a 1 or 2 in the recycling emblem (usually located toward the bottom and looks like a triangle0. Please rinse any bottles that may have contained liquid.
PAPERS: Newspapers, magazines, telephone books, mixed paper, school paper, junk mail, and books.
What items are not accepted in the recycling program?
Plastic bags, food scraps, shrink wrap, glass bottles and jars, soiled paper, leaves/grass, household waste, disposable diapers, sticks/branches.
Why was my garbage emptied and not my recycling?
The department uses separate trucks for garbage and recycling. To avoid the trucks getting in each other’s way, we have scheduled the routes so that containers are emptied at different times. Please give the other truck time to empty your container.
How do I dispose of bulk items?
The City of Somerset will pick up bulk items that are placed by the roadside for a disposal fee. All doors on refrigerators and freezers MUST be removed before placing at the curb. All items that are made of or contain upholstery or similar material such as mattresses, box springs, furniture and other related items must be completely and fully wrapped in plastic or other waterproof material.
What is considered an extra pickup?
Items such as box springs, mattresses, TVs, washers, dryers, water heaters, refrigerators, freezers, couches, loveseats, recliners, brush, remodeling materials, bicycles, or other items that cannot fit into a can or bag are considered an extra pickup.
What happens if I put items on the curb when it isn’t my collection day?
In an effort to keep our city safe and clean, items placed on the curb on the wrong day or without reporting to the sanitation department may be picked up immediately. The property owner will be responsible for the disposal of said items.
What if I have more trash than fits in my container?
The City of Somerset allows six 30 gallon bags (about 2-3 cans) per week. If your can will not roll, it has exceeded the weight limit and is overloaded. The can may not be emptied. If you regularly have more trash than fits into your can, please make sure you are utilizing your recycling container to its fullest potential.
What if my container is lost, stolen, or vandalized?
Please report any lost, stolen or vandalized cans to the City of Somerset Sanitation Department as soon as possible. All reports will be investigated by the sanitation department. If the property owner is found to be negligent in the care of the container, he or she will be responsible for the cost of the replacement.
Why should I recycle?
- Recycling reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfills.
- Recycling helps save our environment.
- A stack of newspapers just 3 feet high saves one tree.
- Enough energy is saved by recycling one aluminum can to run a TV for three hours.
- Pollutants from manufacturing processes are reduced through recycling — 50% for paper and 90% for aluminum.
- Strengthens the economy by putting money back into the local economy and provides jobs in the recycling industry.
Why did I receive a tag on my recycling container?
We will tag your container if items placed inside are not on the approved list. The tag will be marked on why we were unable to empty. A red tag is a warning. The next time you receive one, your can will be picked up and returned to the sanitation department.
Dumpster rental
The City of Somerset rents dumpsters of various sizes to anyone considered to be within the city limits. Most of our clients are homeowners, businesses, real estate agents and contractors. Please call 606-679-1107 or email at with rental inquiries.
Residential/business dumpster pricing
4-Yard Dumpster
$45 per empty
Dimensions: 58x80x65 inches
6-Yard Dumpster
$55 per empty
Dimensions: 77x80x63.5 inches
8-Yard Dumpster
$65 per empty
Dimensions: 89x80x77 inches
The City of Somerset will provide any extra pick up on dumpsters at the above cost. The dumpster will be emptied the day after a requested pick-up.
How do I rent a dumpster for a residence?
Our 4,6, and 8 yard dumpsters are available for rent at residential home for a period of 30 days. If the dumpster is NOT emptied within 30 days there will be a rental fee. The rental fee is the same as if the dumpster had been emptied. The Sanitation department reserves the right to remove any dumpster after 30 days These dumpsters are for small clean up jobs such as rental homes, garages and basement. They are NOT used for construction purposes. DO NOT dispose of any hazardous material such tires, gasoline, paint, weed killer, etc.
Are dumpsters required for apartments, townhomes or condominiums?
Containers are required at the expense of the owner at the following locations:
- Apartments, townhouses, or condominiums of seven or more units.
- Complexes or groups of apartments, townhouses or condominiums which may individually have fewer than seven units, but are developed as a project with total units exceeding seven and have either common or shared parking, shared entrances and exits, or are situated where cans would be grouped in a central location.
- All office, commercial and industrial units, including apartments, townhouses and condominium complexes determined by the inspector to generate a sufficient amount of refuse to warrant the use of a dumpster (approximately 8 cubic yards per any collection day or four or more cans of refuse normally).
All bulk items picked up at apartment, townhouses, or condominium complexes will be the responsibility of the property owner unless otherwise stated. If you are a property owner and want the tenant to be charged for bulk items, please have the tenant call with the request for removal.
Exempt from these requirements are apartment buildings, office, commercial and industrial units or other buildings which the inspector at the sanitation department determines either do not have sufficient space to properly locate a dumpster or have special circumstances which make the use of a dumpster at that location impracticable.
How do I obtain a dumpster permit?
A dumpster cannot be placed on any site without a permit from the City of Somerset Sanitation Department. An establishment should request the permit by calling 606-679-1107 or 606-676-9246 or emailing An inspector from the sanitation department will visit any proposed site to determine its acceptability in regard to screening, overhead obstructions, truck access, etc. If the site is found acceptable, a permit will be issued upon receipt of the permit fee, which is $25.
If the conditions do not meet with the inspector’s approval, a list of the needed improvements will be given to the owner/tenant in order to bring the site up to standards. When the standards have been met, a re-inspection will be conducted, and a permit is issued after the fee is received.
Construction Dumpster
The City of Somerset provides rental for roll off dumpsters. For any questions or comments please call 606-679-1107 or email at
Construction dumpster pricing
10-Yard Dumpster
$300 per empty up to 4 tons. $45 per ton over 4 tons
Dimensions: 11x8x3.5 feet (holds equivalent of 5 pickup trucks)
Uses: For heavier materials such as shingles, tile and concrete; smaller clean-out jobs such as garages or moving.
20-Yard Dumpster
$450 per empty up to 8 tons. $45 per ton over 8 tons
Dimensions: 22x8x3.5 feet (holds equivalent of 10 pickup trucks)
Uses: Clean up of foreclosures and estates; small to mid-size remodeling jobs
30-Yard Dumpster
$600 per empty up to 10 tons. $45 per ton over 10 tons.
Dimensions: 22x8x5 feet (holds equivalent of 15 pickup trucks)
Uses: Large remodeling jobs; garage and room teardowns; general construction and demolition
40-Yard Dumpster
$750 per empty up to 12 tons. $45 per ton over 12 tons.
If dumpsters are NOT emptied at least once every 30 days there will be rental fee equivalent to the dump fee. After three 3 months the City of Somerset reserves the right to remove the dumpster.
How high can I load my dumpster?
When the dumpster is picked up the driver will put a tarp over the load for containment during transport. We ask that you DO NOT load any material above the top rails of the dumpster. Try to keep the load flat and distribute the weight as evenly as possible. If for any reason the dumpster is improperly loaded and cannot be transported safely, you will have to unload the dumpster to a safe level before we can remove it. Additional charges may be assessed.
Who can rent a dumpster?
The City of Somerset rents dumpster to anyone considered to be within the city limits. Most of our clients are homeowners, businesses, real estate agents and contractors
What kind of debris do you dispose of?
The City of Somerset works with most types of home improvement, demolition and cleanout projects, but there are some items we simply CAN NOT dispose of per EPA guidelines. Those items include:
•Bio-hazardous materials/medical waste
•Paint (although dry paint cans are permissible)
•Propane tanks
•Equipment containing gas or oil
How far in advance do I need to order my dumpster?
The City of Somerset always appreciates a couple days’ notice; we realize that’s not always possible. As long as you place your order by noon the day before, we typically are able to deliver it the next business day. In some many cases we are able to do same day delivery.
Will it damage my driveway or landscaping?
Despite our many precautions, there is always the potential of damage to your property. This damage can be caused by heavy trucks, the weight of the containers or poor surface conditions. The City of Somerset is not financially liable for the damages caused by normal dumpster operation.