Somerset City Council meets at 6 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of the month in the Energy Center Council Chambers, 306 E. Mt. Vernon St., Somerset. Everyone is welcome.
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Moment of Silence
- Roll Call
- Minutes of last meeting
- Boy Scout Proclamation
- Citizens Comments (Limited to Items on this Agenda due to being a Special Call Meeting)
- 2nd Reading/Annexation of 812 Highway 39, Somerset Kentucky
- 1st Reading/Zoning Ordinance text for Medical Marijuana Dispensary Location (Just in Case Potential Licensee Could File with the State before Local Government Opt in Opt out prior to January 1, 2025.)
- 2023-2024 Amended Budget to Reflect SkyHope “Passthrough” grant
- Resolution on EMS Interlocal Agreements with Pulaski County
- Council Comments
- Adjournment
Download PDF Agenda 3-18-24
The website copy of the agenda is for general information only. In the event of a conflict between this copy and the actual agenda provided to the media and city council members, the mailed copy shall prevail.