The city clerk is the official custodian of the city’s records and collects taxes and fees.
What are the responsibilities of the city clerk?
The office of the city clerk is responsible for retaining the city’s records and serves as the city’s tax collection agency. The clerk’s office:
• Maintains and preserves resolutions, ordinances, deeds and other official documents
• Creates and retains the official minutes of city council meetings
• Collects city and school taxes, insurance premium taxes and occupational taxes
• Collects fees from parking citations
• Issues business licenses
How can we help?
For Residents & Businesses
Our online platform makes it easy to search for and pay your property tax bill.
The property tax online platform allows you to search for names, bill numbers, map numbers and addresses. Those who have not paid taxes for the previous year can be viewed on the delinquent tax list, which is updated regularly.
File an open records request
The Kentucky Open Records Act, KRS 61.870 to KRS 61.884, establishes a right of access to certain public records. We are happy to review your request to view such records at the City of Somerset.
All requests must contain an original signature. Please download the form below and bring to the City Clerk’s Office at the Somerset Energy Center, 306 E. Mt. Vernon St., Somerset, KY 42501, or mail to:
City Clerk’s Office, Attn: Records Request, P.O. Box 989, Somerset, KY 42502.
For Businesses
Occupational and net profits taxes
The documents below will provide all information necessary for paying and reporting your occupational and net profits tax.
Need a business license?
Any business that conducts business within the Somerset city limits needs a business license. Find everything you need to know to prepare and apply.
Have a question or concern?
Reach out directly to our staff.